06 Mar 2023
Augustine V.W.Njenge

The Media Council of Kenya (MCK) has urged station managers to strengthen their working relations with the Council as they seek to identify gaps in their newsrooms.

MCK Meru Regional Coordinator Karanja Jackson has encouraged media managers in the area to aggressively address issues around sustainability and viability under the current media dynamics to remain relevant. He said the Council intends to carry out a needs assessment survey among station managers for appropriate media viability interventions.

“There is myriad of challenges as you try to remain competitive and successful. Keep your fingers on the pulse of media trends and leverage social media to stay ahead of the competition and provide your audience with the best possible experience”, said Mr Karanja.

“We are here to identify areas that require the Councils’ intervention through capacity building for journalists. I urge you to device ways to keep up with the changing trends in the media industry lest the advancements in the media industry end up pushing you out”.

The MCK official advised radio station managers in the vernacular stations to rethink the type of content they offer to remain viable in the fast-changing media space. He urged them to uphold journalistic ethics as they undertake their role.

“The media plays a major role in setting the agenda for your audience. You wield sufficient power to determine what your audience can do with the information you feed them through the media. If you highlight issues in sustainable agriculture to counter food crises, chances are that your audience will practice exactly that. That way, you will have impacted positively on your audience”, added Mr Karanja.

He encouraged the station managers to venture into other alternatives as they seek to create content by paying close attention to alternative mediums of communication such as use of podcasts which are becoming an increasingly popular form of entertainment, and which their media houses can use to reach new audiences.

“The advancements of the Internet and technology helps you to reach a wider audience. The internet is offering you an opportunity to create quick original content, which if well utilised gives stations a cutting edge in the competition,” stated Mr Karanja.

Mr Karanja assured the community radio and TV station managers of the Council’s continued support in addressing challenges with regards to access to information for the journalists.