21 Nov 2023


Community and vernacular radio stations have been encouraged to prioritise the promotion of good morals and virtues in society.

During the launch of HEGA FM in Rumuruti, Laikipia County, the Media Council of Kenya (MCK) Meru Regional Coordinator Jackson Karanja stressed the significance of the media in maintaining its integrity.

“As we launch this station today, we must recognise the profound impact that the media has on society. It serves as a bridge that connects, informs, and empowers society”, said Karanja.

The Regional Coordinator commended the founders and managers of the station, saying that its establishment serves as evidence of the impact of media on society.

“We laud the efforts of the dedicated teams who have worked tirelessly to realise the dream of HEGA FM. Its establishment is a testament to the commitment of its founders to the principles of ethical journalism, responsible broadcasting and community engagement”, he added.

Mr Karanja appealed to members of the public to actively contribute to the growth and development of the nation by using the media platform to voice their opinions and ideas, which would help drive the nation's agenda.

“Let us embrace HEGA FM with open arms by acknowledging it as a force for positive change in our community. Make it a platform that fosters understanding, celebrates diversity, and one that amplifies the voices of the people it serves”, said Karanja.

He affirmed the Council’s support to offer training and build the capacity of journalists to enhance professionalism and accountability in the dissemination and reporting of news.