06 Apr 2023


The Media Council of Kenya has called upon media content developers to utilise Artificial Intelligence (AI) led technology to generate content that is personalised and suits diverse audiences.

Media Council of Kenya Chief Executive Officer Mr David Omwoyo noted that AI has revolutionised content consumption. He added that enterprises and individuals that utilise the opportunity stand to remain viable in business.

“We are no longer in an era where families consumed content as a unit through common television screens. The younger generation is more concerned about personalised content which they can select using mobile devices. This is an opportunity for content developers to ensure all their content is aggregated to suit personalised consumer trends”, said Mr Omwoyo at the 12th Edition of the Connected Summit 2023, organised by ICT Authority under the theme “Endless Opportunities Shaping our Future”.

Mr Omwoyo cited sustainability as one of the challenges facing the media sector in Kenya. He further stated how content developers are leveraging on AI enabled tools to reach to their audiences and urged media houses to adopt such techniques.

He made a presentation on corporate success strategies in the digital era, creative industry and entrepreneurial opportunities.

Connected Summit 2023 is a gathering of regional and global ICT industry leaders, policymakers, executives, financiers and innovators that seeks to nurture innovative ideas and partnerships that leverage on technology to advance Kenya's development agenda and aims to establish a platform for collaboration, capacity building and knowledge sharing between the government and ICT sector.