06 Jun 2023


The Media Council of Kenya (MCK) says  enhanced interactions and collaborations between journalists and producers is key in ensuring quality content.

MCK Mombasa Regional Coordinator Maureen Mudi says reporters and technicians should work together to advance clean feed content.

“There has been a gap between technicians and journalists. Let’s establish a link within our institutions for a common approach to enhancing quality content, professionalism and embrace the digital revolution”, said Ms Mudi at forum on broadcast and digital journalism for technicians hosted by MCK at the Mombasa office.

She stressed the need for the support team to understand ethical issues revolving around their work, to enable them to identify and sieve inaccurate or misleading content.

“Let’s develop mentorship programmes and forums for upcoming technicians on how to embrace and adopt the new media that is evolving every day ”, said Ms Mudi.

Kenya Brodacasting Corporation’s Coast region Controller Joseph Cheruiyot lauded the Council for its efforts to recognise technicians. He pointed out the importance of MCK conducting research and surveys on data and technology utilised by broadcasting houses and playing the advisory role to the government.  

Mr Cheruiyot pledged his commitment to enhancing collaborations with media players, including the Kenya Films and Classification Board (KFCB), Kenya News Agency (KNA), Kenya Broadcasting Corporation (KBC) and the Department of Film Services (DFS).

He proposed that all the organisations within the KBC Sauti House premises should promote professionalism, particularly in content production, which he said, has been a challenge for many regional and community radio stations.

“The Council’s efforts to bring all media interest groups together for a common goal will address industry needs on the complex value chain of broadcasting that involves several players”, he said.

Principal Technical Officer at KBC, Charles Wanjohi emphasised the need for MCK to help facilitate technicians and studio operators’ work to play the role of support team in content production effectively.

“Those involved in these processes must understand their roles and how to collaborate in ensuring we have clean signals and quality final products for consumption”, said Mr Wanjohi.

The participants of the forum requested an open discussion regarding industry needs, including quality, professional and clean content.