The Media Council of Kenya has affirmed its commitment to fostering relations to advance media's work.
MCK Mombasa Regional Coordinator Ms Maureen Mudi recently met officials of the Muslims for Human Rights (MUHURI) to conceptualise areas of collaborations that will foster research, joint proposals, trainings on thematic areas and documentation.
“Having an organised arrangement for the two organisations will not only enhance our professional capacities but will also ensure we explore more areas for collaboration and networking”, Ms Mudi told Muhuri officials, Communications and Advocacy Officer Ernest Cornel and Board Chairman Khelef Khalif at their offices in Nyali, Mombasa.
Mr Cornel noted that Muhuri has a dominant presence at the Coast and Garissa, adding that collaborations with media is key to creating sustainable access to information and reporting on human rights.
“I am optimistic that this will culminate into a fruitful working relationship that will harness both organisations’ strengths”, said Mr Cornel.
MCK has partnered with MUHURI’s Communications team in areas pertaining to Freedom of Expression, Civic Space, Governance, Rule of Law and Human Rights Reporting.