07 Sep 2023


Bloggers have been urged to design strategies and protocols to enhance best practices and safeguard their online identity and personal data.

The Media Council of Kenya (MCK) Assistant Director for Training and Curriculum Development Christine Nguku says journalists lack the necessary support and training to protect themselves from online security threats.

Speaking at a training for bloggers on digital safety organised by the Media Council of Kenya and Paradigm Initiative in Nairobi, Ms Nguku said the training will provide practical insights that will help bloggers navigate the digital landscape.

Ms Nguku asked the bloggers to remain informed on digital space matters to enable them to incorporate best practices and remain vigilant on security matters.

“It is critical to stay alert and informed about the latest security practices and updates”, she said.

Paradigm Initiative’s Senior Manager for Grants and Programs Strategy Adeboye Adegoke emphasised the importance of digital security in an age where the public’s reliance on internet services is at its peak.

" Due to over-reliance on digital networks, hackers and mischief-makers lurk in the shadows, ready to steal one’s identity, rob and commit fraud. Understanding digital security can help bloggers and content creators to protect their content from being misused”, he said.