09 Jan 2024

The Media Council of Kenya (MCK) has called for a harmonious relationship between the media and law enforcement agencies in furtherance of law and order.

MCK Meru Regional Coordinator Jackson Karanja who recently met Meru County Police Commander highlighted the significance of establishing a robust relationship between the media and the police force, saying both play a pivotal role in shaping public perception and maintaining law and order.

“A strong collaboration between the media and law enforcement is essential for a society’s well-being. The media serves as a watchdog in ensuring transparency and accountability, while the police ensure that law and order is maintained”, said Mr Karanja.

He further mentioned the Council’s commitment to promoting responsible journalism by creating a conducive environment for journalists.

“This will contribute to the nation’s cohesion through ethical reporting of matters of national interest”, he said.

Mr Suiyanka pledged to ensure that journalists are accorded a conducive working environment to facilitate them to carry out their duties diligently.

“The police service acknowledges the crucial role of the media in keeping the public informed and is dedicated to cultivating a positive relationship that enables journalists to work effectively”, noted Mr Suiyanka.