19 Jul 2023


Public Communication Officers have been urged to create communication strategies that can help them present government information efficiently to the media and the public.

Speaking at an executive training for public communication officers convened by the Media Council of Kenya, the Principal Secretary, State Department for Telecommunication and Broadcasting Prof Edward Kisiang’ani noted that public communicators need to develop strategies that communicate the core pillars of the government to improve the quality of life.

“Public Communicators should communicate the six core pillars of the government which include: Agriculture; Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Economy (MSME); Housing and Settlement; Healthcare; Digital superhighway and creative economy; Environment and climate change”, he said.

He encouraged state departments to work together to enhance their skills in information sharing and in amplifying their voices as government communicators.

 “The state department of broadcasting will continue to support initiatives and partnerships that seek to improve performances. The president supports the improvement and upskilling of public communication officers”, stated Prof. Kisiang’ani.

MCK CEO David Omwoyo noted that there has been a consistent gap in how government and media relate, adding that the government needs quality organised communicators who can package messages.

 “One of the key mandates of the Council is to ensure the media produces reliable information. It is important for public communication officers to disseminate reliable information”, he said.

Mr Omwoyo further stated that in an ecosystem where most of the task is media relations, public communication officers act as the link between the government and the public.

“Such trainings will equip public communication officers with the skills to package government information for the media and the public”, he said.

Information Secretary, Ministry of Information, Communications and the Digital Economy Ms Judy Munyinyi applauded the Council for organising the training targeting communicators from various government ministries.

She mentioned the challenges faced during transitions and recommended support for the public communicators in providing accurate and timely information to the public while emphasising the importance of access to information.

“The Ministry is working to ensure communication is at the heart of any project the government plans to undertake”, said Ms Munyinyi.

MCK Director for Media Training and Development Mr Victor Bwire said proactive disclosure of information is important in government media platforms to enhance transparency and ensure information seekers get immediate access to information.