21 Mar 2024


The Media Council of Kenya (MCK) has asked journalists to leverage the evolving media landscape and monetise their work.

MCK Director for Media Training and Development Victor Bwire, has said that journalists must reinvent themselves and explore alternative means of financial stability in the digital era.  

“The Council is creating a safe and equipped working space for journalists, which will also act as a news source centre for easy access to information, for those lacking working spaces”, he said during the launch of the Mombasa Press Club.

He mentioned that journalists working in the counties have the prospect of generating income in a dignified and professional manner through content production at the county level.

“The Council is planning to conduct a series of training on pitching stories, audience analysis, segmentation, programming, and monetisation of content to equip journalists on how to run their online platforms”, noted Mr Bwire.

Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Shariff Nassir underscored the importance of partnerships with key stakeholders to address challenges affecting journalists' welfare.

“The county government through the county legal team will have a sit down with the Mombasa Press Club officials to draft an agreement on how the county will work with the press club in the production and dissemination of monthly information,” the Governor said.

Governor Nassir acknowledged the media as a reflection of society and encouraged journalists to promote the positive aspects of the counties.

“Given my responsibility as the custodian of the mirror, it is proper to ensure its cleanliness. By doing so, society will see a more favorable reflection of itself”, he expressed.

Kenya Maritime Authority Chairman Hamisi Mwaguya urged journalists to maintain professionalism, emphasising that the authority will support in enhancing maritime reporting.