12 Mar 2024


The Media Council of Kenya (MCK) has called on journalists to adopt a solution-based approach while reporting on human interest stories.

MCK Director for Media Training and Development Victor Bwire highlighted the importance of focusing on presenting and interpreting instead of merely breaking news.

“Let us strive to be catalysts for solutions to evoke constructive debates and discussions on pertinent issues”, said Mr Bwire while launching the Isiolo Press Club.

He observed that the Press Club would be a fertile ground for cultivating specialties while enhancing the journalism scene in Isiolo. He further emphasised the importance of collaboration within the journalistic community.

“The Isiolo Press Club is a collaborative hub where journalists can empower each other through knowledge sharing and mutual support”, he suggested.

He encouraged journalists to maintain utmost professionalism by making the club a leader in matters around ethical journalism.