25 Jan 2024


The Media Council of Kenya (MCK) has highlighted the crucial role of promoting a culture of data privacy among journalists.

Speaking during a media sensitisation forum organised by the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner (ODPC) in Kisumu ahead of the 2024 International Data Privacy Day, MCK CEO Mr David Omwoyo stressed the need for journalists and media practitioners to familiarise with the Data Protection Act of 2019.

“It is important to read and internalise the Data Protection Act 2019, which emphasises the importance of a privacy-centric culture within the society”, said Mr Omwoyo.

He added that journalism occupies a central position in the realm of data dissemination, particularly in a society where individuals possess distinct tastes and preferences.

“We need to understand and comprehend data protection and privacy issues in terms of data sourcing, processing, use and storage”, he noted.