09 Nov 2023

The Media Council of Kenya (MCK) is in the process of developing guidelines to assist media houses in managing human resource issues related to interns.

According to MCK Assistant Director for Training and Curriculum Development Ms Christine Nguku, the guidelines will facilitate ease of onboarding, assessment, exit, and retention of students during their placement period.

“When students go on an industrial placement, they are expected to adhere to media house policies, ethics and the Code of Conduct”, she said during a visit to Gilitics Media in Mombasa.

She said that the guidelines will be used alongside the station’s existing Human Resource manuals on harassment in the office, violations reporting mechanisms and conflict resolution interventions.

MCK Mombasa Regional Coordinator Maureen Mudi underscored the importance of partnership between the Council and radio stations on the internship placement program. She added that this will contribute to the sustainability of the media industry.

“We want to ensure that the students gain knowledge through practical skills in the field that will help them understand the job market”, she said.

She noted that since the launch of the MCK Internship Placement Programme in 2021, hundreds of students have benefitted from it.