25 Sep 2023


The Media Council of Kenya (MCK) has called for the recognition of journalism as a co-curricular activity in schools to enhance media literacy and responsible consumption of media content.

MCK Kisumu Regional Coordinator Evans Teddy told journalism clubs in Busia schools students to conduct themselves with utmost discipline in pursuit of academic excellence as a cornerstone to joining the journalism career.

“Sharpening skills and developing knowledge of the students and teachers in journalism can offer an opportunity to fully understand and appreciate the profession”, said Mr Teddy when he met journalism club members from various secondary schools in Busia County.

He applauded the schools for their contribution towards a media literate society by exposing students to journalism careers.

He said that the Council was keen on integrating the programme into the school curriculum.

“Journalism clubs are very important in modern education. They provide exposure for students and an opportunity for them to interact with journalists”, said Teddy.

 He further noted that the Council began the industrial placement programme to offer practical experience for the students to gain skills that will help them in their journalism careers.