22 Sep 2023


The Media Council of Kenya (MCK) has affirmed its commitment to implement the national tree-planting initiative presidential directive to plant 15 billion trees by 2032.

The MCK in partnership with Konza Technopolis Development Authority (KoTDA) commenced the greening project that saw the plating of 250 to mark the culmination of a two-day training on climate change adaptation initiatives for Catholic Media Managers.

MCK CEO Mr David Omwoyo called on the media to act on climate change issues on environmental conservation through active participation in projects.

“We should lead as examples in amplifying matters on climate change because those of us who work in media also come from families and communities that have farms therefore beyond just writing and broadcasting about environmental conservation and climate change, we should lead by example in doing that which we teach, preach and write about”, said Mr Omwoyo during the tree planting exercise at the Konza Technopolis.

He emphasised the importance of climate change issues noting that it is a worldwide concern and implored the media to allocate space for climate reporting.

“The COP28 will be coming up in a few weeks, which means that climate change is an important matter presenting a variety of issues to be discussed about. The media should dedicate space, sufficient pages, and airtime to not only educate but also inform and inspire people to engage in activities that promote and conserve the environment”, said Mr Omwoyo

KoTDA Manager for Building Services Engineer Paul Thuo lauded the Council for the partnership stating that they have a number of exercises on the initiatives pertaining to tree planting and water drainage.

“We anticipate to plant more than one million seedlings. At the moment we have planted up to 30,000 donated 300,000 shillings worth of seedlings. We are looking forward to a longer-term collaboration on this project as they say tree is life”, said Eng Thuo.