20 Sep 2023


The Media Council of Kenya (MCK) has emphasised the importance of evaluating media content to understand its potential impact.

MCK Manager for Research, Planning and Strategy Leo Mutisya has called on different stakeholders to access, analyse and evaluate media content to understand how media messages are constructed, the motive and the potential impact.

“In the modern digital age, we are constantly bombarded with information and data from various sources. Media and Information Literacy skills are essential for individuals to effectively navigate, evaluate and use media content and data in a responsible and informed manner”, said Leo while speaking at a Media Information and Literacy (MIL) forum in Kwale County,  

MCK Manager for Accreditation and Compliance Rebecca Mutiso gave insights on the accreditation process and other services of the Council.

“In a media landscape that's rapidly shifting, it is important for the public to understand who a genuine journalist is. Not everyone carrying a camera and a notebook is a journalist. Members of the public should demand to see an MCK press card from anyone purporting to be a journalist”, she said.

She added that accredited journalists are obligated to uphold journalistic ethics and stick to the Code of Conduct for the Practice of Journalism in Kenya to enhance public trust in media.

MCK Mombasa Regional Coordinator Ms Maureen Mudi spoke on the importance of creating a database of new sources among journalists to ensure that their sources have basic knowledge of newsroom operations.

“We must appreciate the need to work together for the benefit of our communities. Journalists at times look for sources and who to host for their programs. Reach out to ensure you create a rapport and have visibility for community projects you undertake”, she said.

Ms Mudi explained the media’s role as the watchdog in society and emphasised on the need to adhere to the journalism code while reporting.

“Media should be held accountable by the public to ensure that it plays its role in putting the government accountable on the usage of public resources. Media is the source of information to the public and has the mandate to protect and highlight issues affecting the public”, she added.

Senior Officer in Research, Planning and Strategy Jacob Nyongesa noted that it is advisable to debunk information to ensure authenticity before sharing. He asked the participants to flag out misinformation in the media as it could mislead the public.