22 May 2023


Media Council of Kenya (MCK) CEO David Omwoyo has advised managers to craft realistic goals to enable strategic organisational achievements.

Mr Omwoyo says there is need to set realistic goals and plans that are flexible to accommodate and address emerging issues that are inevitable in any working environment.

He urged managers to refrain from making urgent decisions, saying it can be detrimental in the long run.

“Urgency is the enemy of strategy because it can lead to hasty and short-sighted decision-making. While urgency can be beneficial in certain situations that require prompt action, it can also hinder the ability to think critically, consider all available options and develop a well-thought-out strategy”, he told managers when he delivered the opening address at the 12th Annual Managers’ Conference convened by the Kenya Institute of Management in Mombasa.

Mr Omwoyo said organisations at times fail to implement strategy and corporate plans because urgent matters override the need for and importance of following through with the corporate plan.

“This forces the managers to do away with systems theory and adopt the chaos theory which kills all the processes. Urgency leads to failure in analysing the overall implementation of organisational strategy and plans since it does not need any process and creativity, hence forcing the manager to break protocols at times”, he said.

He stated that while strategy focuses on the most important things, one cannot implement an entire strategy immediately and urgent matters are inevitable since they are important causes of action that support the larger implementation of organisational plan.

“Every morning when you wake up always be prepared to attend to an urgency or the urgency will be diminished by different opinions that emerge. Be more circumspect in your undertakings”, said Mr Omwoyo.

He emphasised the importance of distinguishing departmental roles during strategy development to avoid clashes that might result to more confusion in organisations.

Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Nassir advised the managers to uphold humility and serve Kenyans with an open heart. He was represented at the meeting by Mombasa County Executive Committee (CEC) Member for Education and Digital Transformation Dr Mbwarali Kame.