01 Sep 2023

The Media Council of Kenya (MCK) is urging County Assemblies to support objective coverage of devolution by granting media access to information.

MCK Nakuru Regional Coordinator Joseph Mecha, who recently met Bomet County Assembly Clerk Isaac Kitur said granting journalists access to timely and accurate information will enhance their reporting of developments at the devolved units.

“County communication teams need to observe the provisions of access to information to allow scrutiny, transparency and accountability of public administration. This will in turn boost coverage of matters of public interest,” said Mr Mecha.

MCK Kisumu Regional Coordinator Evans Teddy stressed the importance of enhancing the skills and knowledge of journalists on the existing standing orders and use of access to information laws.

“Journalists play a critical role in informing the public on what is happening in their respective counties. Therefore, they need to be trained on how to collect, package and provide balanced information to the public”, said Mr Teddy.

The County Assembly Clerk Mr Kitur affirmed his commitment to provide accurate and timely information to the media acknowledging the importance of access to information for factual reporting of County affairs. 

‘’Access to reliable information is vital for journalists to fulfill their duty of informing the public. It enables them to provide unbiased and well-informed reports crucial to the public. Through collaboration with the Council, the Assembly acknowledges the need to strengthen the communication infrastructure and ensure that journalists access accurate, transparent and verified information.’’ 

He further mentioned that the Assembly will partner with the Council to train local journalists on how to report professionally on devolved issues with the aim of promoting good governance and accountability in the County.