06 Sep 2023

Notable progress has been achieved in the push for access to information from public entities to facilitate journalists in performing their work.

Commission for Administrative Justice (CAJ) Chairperson Hon Florence Kajuju says collaborations between the Commission, the Media Council of Kenya and duty bearers are contributing to professional reporting of matters of public interest.

Hon Kajuju who visited the Media Council Meru Regional offices yesterday affirmed the Commission’s commitment to implementing the pact signed with the Council to the letter.

“The Commission commits to continue working with the Council in creating awareness among journalists and key actors in the society in actualising the Access to Information Act 2016 at the counties”, said Hon Kajuju.

She noted that effective access to information enables the citizenry to participate in governance and decision-making processes which go a long way in fostering openness, transparency and accountability.

MCK Meru Regional Coordinator Mr Karanja Jackson reiterated the Council’s commitment to ensuring journalists acquire adequate information from public entities and organisations.

“For efficiency and effectiveness in relaying information, it is imperative that journalists are granted access to information and especially in the devolved units to help in keeping check the working of county governments, all to the betterment of the society”, added Mr Karanja.

CAJ Chief Executive Officer Mercy Wambua highlighted the Commission's readiness to continue working with the Council in making access to information paramount.

“The media assumes a pivotal role in disseminating information to the public, and for this to occur, journalists rely on their ability to actively pursue information, a fundamental ability safeguarded by the right to access information”, noted Ms Wambua.

The Media Council of Kenya and the Commission for Administrative Justice signed a Memorandum of Understanding in September 2020 which was followed by the publication of a journalists’ handbook on Access to Information.