26 Sep 2023

Journalists have been implored to exercise and accurately report on the importance of developing a saving culture.

The Media Council of Kenya Meru Regional Coordinator Jackson Karanja called on journalists to amplify financial management issues aimed at cultivating a saving culture among their audiences.

“Let us use this opportunity to strengthen our capacity as media professionals to contribute to the financial well-being and security of our audience. Remember that the stories we tell can have a profound impact on people's lives and pave the way for a more secure and prosperous future,” said Mr Karanja during a journalists’ meeting with officials from the Retirement Benefits Authority (RBA).

Mr Karanja noted the efforts played by the Council in sensitising journalists on financial prudence. He said that such trainings equip them with skills on how to save as well as empower them with information on the different investment portfolios.

“The Council has been conducting a series of trainings for journalists on financial well being. Through such trainings, we encourage journalists to cultivate a saving culture to secure a better financial future once they retire or get laid off work,” noted Mr. Karanja.

He further illustrated the role played by journalists in disseminating accurate information noting that doing so will enable their audience to make informed choices on their financial investments.

 RBA CEO Charles Machira challenged the journalists to become agents of progressive development by adopting a saving culture.

“Saving is not about your disposable income but about taking the step and inculcating a personal resolve and plan of personal saving no matter how little it can appear,” said Mr Macharia.

He added that the engagement was focused on enlightening journalists on the discipline of saving, financial literacy and the importance of embracing a saving culture.

Mr. Machira pointed out that financial stress can be a significant distraction that can affect the quality of work among journalists.

“By saving, we reduce this stress and focus more on our professional responsibilities,” he said.

RBA Corporate Communications Manager Alex Mugambi took the journalists through a session on retirement benefits, legal framework, investment options, and the importance of early financial planning.

He noted that financial security enables one to make decisions that align with their values and aspirations, without being solely dependent on a paycheck.