25 Feb 2023
Augustine V.W. Njenge

The Media Council of Kenya (MCK) has partnered with the National Syndemic Diseases Control Council (NSDCC) to support journalists to report professionally on the Triple Threat to the fight against HIV/AIDS.

The two bodies have been conducting countrywide engagements with the media on the Triple Threat to combat the scourge; new HIV infections, teenage pregnancies and gender-based violence.

MCK and NSDCC recently held a sensitisation forum for journalists in the Coast region where they took them through developing effective communication strategies for eliminating the Triple Threat.

MCK’s Senior Officer Research, Planning and Strategy Jacob Nyongesa encouraged Kilifi journalists to tell stories that elicit behaviour change among the youth.

“Collaboration is a unique aspect that can be used in storytelling to bring out the uniqueness of an issue. You can also brainstorm when seeking angles in a story”, said Mr Nyongesa.

“We cannot all have answers to various questions and that it why it is important for journalists to create a rapport with policy makers and collaborate with them as you seek for information aimed at reporting about HIV/AIDS ”, he said.

He implored the journalists to adhere to the principles of good journalism when reporting, saying this would aid in enhancing their credibility as professionals.

“As journalists you need to be cognisant of the power you yield. It is important for you to always verify information before sharing it out", noted Mr Nyongesa.

While emphasising on the importance of involving the media in the fight against HIV/AIDS, Ezekiel Mwandime from NSDCC, reiterated the importance of a multisectoral approach in the Triple Threat campaign.

“The ‘Triple Threat Campaign’ is a multisectoral initiative. We therefore urge the media as a key stakeholder to join government in executing this campaign”, he said.

He asked the journalists to highlight stories that address the drivers of risk and vulnerability on the Triple Threat, noting the role of media in prevention communication in the race to combat HIV/AIDS in Kenya.

The sensitisation forum brought together journalists from local and mainstream media houses who called upon MCK and NSDCC to assist them in gaining access to information from government offices. They also gave pledged their support towards the fight to end the Triple Threat.