20 Dec 2023

The Media Council of Kenya (MCK) has underscored the need for collaboration between law enforcement agencies and journalists to address the growing insecurity incidents associated with the festive season.

MCK Nakuru Regional Coordinator Joseph Mecha encouraged the two institutions to work together by proposing a strategic partnership between the media and law enforcement agencies.

He said that the collaboration will foster an environment for information exchange, enabling swift and coordinated responses to emerging security concerns.

"Collaboration between law enforcers and journalists is important during times of increased public gatherings. By sharing timely and accurate information, we can maintain law and order while ensuring that the public is well-informed and safe”, said Mr Mecha in a meeting at the Nakuru County Police Commander’s office.

Nakuru County Police Commander, Mr Samuel Ndanyi welcomed the initiative, acknowledging the role played by journalists in disseminating information. He supported the need to work with journalists noting that it would aid in maintaining a safe environment during the festive season.

“We understand the critical role the media plays in keeping the public informed. Therefore, we consider it our responsibility to ensure accurate and timely information is readily available to journalists’’, affirmed Mr Ndanyi.

Nakuru Journalist Association Chairperson Mr Joseph Openda called upon security agencies to be inclusive in inviting local media stations for press briefings and other official forums.

He said that this will not only aid in promoting responsible reporting of sensitive information but also ensure the flow of accurate information and strengthen the relationship between law enforcement and the community.

"This call for collaboration between security agencies and local media reflects a commitment to transparency, responsible journalism, and community engagement for the greater good of Nakuru County”, said Mr Openda.